Vanguard Article Follow Up

Last October our Quality Investment Report highlighted a study from Vanguard regarding the importance of the right advisor with respect to the success of the relationship in the context of emotional well-being of the client. In a follow-up we wanted to highlight the top attributes Vanguard associated with this study after widespread client interviews.   The top nine were:

  1. Plan Monitoring
  2. Trust
  3. Connected
  4. Investment Expertise
  5. Time Delegation
  6. Prepared
  7. Communication
  8. Comforted
  9. Expert Access

Vanguard Article Follow Up

In the study, all of these come with statements from clients with words like trust, monitoring, comfort in things being handled, reassurance, professionalism, and personal connections. At DLK we feel very aligned with these guiding principles and our service to our clients.

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Client Centered, Quality Focused. We are an independent, employee owned investment advisory firm with institutional quality practices that are applied to all aspects of our business. Our disciplined and balanced approach allows us to focus on the most important aspect of our job: creating long-term value for our clients. DLK is a diverse team of professionals who have experience in multiple areas of investment management, on both the advisor and client side.