Protect Yourself from Fraud

A rising star in the San Diego investment community was arrested for fraud in late August and the news brings with it the sobering reminder that we all need checks and balances in our lives.

This story hurts everyone as it undermines the trust that is created by all the companies and advisors who are playing by the rules. Here is how you can make sure you and your loved ones don’t fall victim to investor fraud.

1. Introduce your CPA and estate planning attorney to your investment advisor and have a meeting where all of them talk about how they run things for you.

2. Improve your “Fraud IQ.” This article from The College Investor has some helpful reminders and tips about how to be diligent and steps to take for protecting yourself from fraud.

There are some easy steps we all need to live by. Please be active in monitoring your bank and other accounts, sign up for alerts, and have your password changed on a regular cadence. Finally, be very wary of anyone on the phone asking for personal information.

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Client Centered, Quality Focused. We are an independent, employee owned investment advisory firm with institutional quality practices that are applied to all aspects of our business. Our disciplined and balanced approach allows us to focus on the most important aspect of our job: creating long-term value for our clients. DLK is a diverse team of professionals who have experience in multiple areas of investment management, on both the advisor and client side.